Herb at a Glance Loctions

Below are some quick lists for where to find the current Remedy-related herbs in proximity to a city. As I explore, update maps, etc. I will add different cities.

Crossing * Theren * Riverhaven * Shard * Hibarnhvidar * Ratha * Aesry * M'Riss

Special thanks to the following people for contributions to the list: Pfanston, Tsarenzi, Kasrendyr.


jadice flower - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
hisan flower - most rooms of the Middens
georin grass - Riverpine housing area
nilos grass - Strand housing area (over the path), most rooms of Knife Clan, up the pine tree in Sorrow's Reach (outside Kaerna village)
hulnik grass - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
nemoih root - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
yelith root - oasis trail to caravansary near the Gate of Souls/Dirge
cebi root - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
ojhenik root - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
ithor root - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
lujeakave root - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
plovik leaf - Empath housing area (Willow Walk, in the pond)
riolur leaf - Empath housing area (Willow Walk), Riverpine housing area
aloe leaf - oasis trail to caravansary near the Gate of Souls/Dirge
hulij leaf - Empath housing area (Willow Walk, in the pond)
aevaes leaf - up the pine tree in Sorrow's Reach (outside Kaerna village)
junliar stem -
genich stem -
nuloe stem - most rooms of Knife Clan, up the pine tree in Sorrow's Reach (outside Kaerna village)
sufil sap - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
muljin sap - most rooms of the Middens
dioica sap -
blocil berries - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
eghmok moss - Sorrow's Reach near Stone Clan (MIA here as of 7/21/13), outside & in Moss Mey hunting in Leth Deriel, Leth Deriel NE gate
belradi moss - Dirge mine, beisswurm tunnels
qun pollen -

seolarn weed - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
red flower - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
blue flower - Empath housing area (Willow Walk)
tea leaf - Horse Clan
coffee bean - M'Riss



jadice flower - Trigomas Residence grounds, Theren Keep grounds, farmland & orchards along the North Road south of Theren
hisan flower -
georin grass - Chanters' Retreat housing, farmland & orchards along the North Road south of Theren
nilos grass - between blood wolves & sun vulture gate by El'Bain's Stop, causeway to Hvaral outside Fornsted
hulnik grass - Trigomas Residence grounds, Theren Keep grounds, farmland & orchards along the North Road south of Theren
nemoih root - Trigomas Residence grounds, Theren Keep grounds, farmland & orchards along the North Road south of Theren
yelith root - Trigomas Residence grounds, Theren Keep grounds, farmland & orchards along the North Road south of Theren
cebi root - Trigomas Residence grounds, Theren Keep grounds, farmland & orchards along the North Road south of Theren
ojhenik root -
ithor root -
lujeakave root -
plovik leaf - Pejek Bog (frog hunting by Riverhaven)
riolur leaf - Trigomas Residence grounds, Theren Keep grounds, farmland & orchards along the North Road south of Theren
aloe leaf -
hulij leaf - Pejek Bog (frog hunting by Riverhaven)
aevaes leaf - between blood wolves & sun vulture gate by El'Bain's Stop, causeway to Hvaral outside Fornsted
junliar stem -
genich stem -
nuloe stem - between blood wolves & sun vulture gate by El'Bain's Stop, causeway to Hvaral outside Fornsted
sufil sap - Trigomas Residence grounds, Theren Keep grounds, Chanters' Retreat housing
muljin sap - farmland & orchards along the North Road south of Theren
dioica sap -
blocil berries - Trigomas Residence grounds, Theren Keep grounds, farmland & orchards along the North Road south of Theren
eghmok moss - outside & in Moss Mey hunting in Leth Deriel, Leth Deriel NE gate
belradi moss - Gwenalion Fens in Langenfirth
qun pollen -

seolarn weed - Trigomas Residence grounds, Theren Keep grounds, farmland & orchards along the North Road south of Theren
(glaysker flower - Theren Keep moat on the ledge)
red flower -
blue flower -
tea leaf - Horse Clan
coffee bean - M'Riss



aevaes leaf - boulder top in shamans
leaf -
moss -
Gwenalion Fens in Langenfirth
berries -
between east gate and Zaulfung trail, Dunshade Manor grounds
root -
between east gate and Zaulfung trail, Dunshade Manor grounds
sap -
moss -
outside & in Moss Mey hunting in Leth Deriel, Leth Deriel NE gate
stem -
grass -
between east gate and Zaulfung trail, Dunshade Manor grounds
flower -
Pejek Bog (frog hunting), crocodille marsh
leaf -
Pejek Bog (frog hunting), crocodille marsh
grass -
between east gate and Zaulfung trail, Dunshade Manor grounds
root -
- between east gate and Zaulfung trail, Dunshade Manor grounds
junliar stem -
lujeakave root -
muljin sap - Pejek Bog (frog hunting), crocodille marsh
nemoih root -
- boulder top in shamans
nuloe stem - boulder top in shamans
ojhenik root -
leaf -
Pejek Bog (frog hunting), crocodille marsh
pollen -
leaf -
between east gate and Zaulfung trail, Dunshade Manor grounds
sap -
between east gate and Zaulfung trail, Dunshade Manor grounds
- between east gate and Zaulfung trail, Dunshade Manor grounds

seolarn weed - between east gate and Zaulfung trail, Dunshade Manor grounds
red flower -
blue flower -
tea leaf - Horse Clan
coffee bean - M'Riss


note: on many of these rooms, adjacent rooms will also have the item. If there is a specification though, it means not all rooms in that area have the same items, so for example, in Whitehall Commons, not every room has the same terrain and same foraged items found.

aevaes leaf - 1st room on the Talus Trail (near Corik's wall), 2nd to last room of the path to traditional favor orbs, 1st climb down from the branch under the gondola
leaf -
room with the rockslide outside the west gate
moss -
berries -
1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs, along the muddy trail between N & W gates
root -
1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs
sap -
moss -
outside & in Moss Mey hunting in Leth Deriel, Leth Deriel NE gate
stem -
grass -
1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs
flower -
1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs
leaf -
out the south gate along the road in rock trolls (Derelict Road, Marsh)
grass -
1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs
root -
1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs
- 1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs
junliar stem - 1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs, along the muddy trail between N & W gates, Eastern Lakeside road between the N & E gates
lujeakave root - 1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs
muljin sap - 1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs, along the muddy trail between N & W gates
nemoih root - 1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs
- 1st room on the Talus Trail (near Corik's wall), 2nd to last room of the path to traditional favor orbs, 1st climb down from the branch under the gondola
nuloe stem - 1st room on the Talus Trail (near Corik's wall), 2nd to last room of the path to traditional favor orbs, 1st climb down from the branch under the gondola
ojhenik root - 1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs, room with the rockslide outside the west gate
leaf -
out the south gate along the road in rock trolls (Derelict Road, Marsh)
pollen -
leaf -
1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs
sap -
1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs, room with the rockslide outside the west gate
- room with the rockslide outside the west gate

seolarn weed - 1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), 1st room of the path to traditional favor orbs, room with the rockslide outside the west gate, along the muddy trail between N & W gates
red flower - 1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), room with the rockslide outside the west gate, along the muddy trail between N & W gates
blue flower - 1st room of the empath housing area (Whitehall Commons), room with the rockslide outside the west gate, along the muddy trail between N & W gates
tea leaf - Horse Clan
coffee bean - M'Riss

aevaes leaf -
leaf -
moss -
berries -
root -
sap -
moss -
stem -
grass -
flower -
leaf -
grass -
root -
junliar stem -
lujeakave root -
muljin sap -
nemoih root -
nuloe stem -
ojhenik root -
leaf -
pollen -
leaf -
sap -

seolarn weed -
red flower -
blue flower -
tea leaf -
coffee bean - M'Riss


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